Welcome to the Coney Island Rides Department page. Please login to view the Rides Schedules, Ride Manuals and important information related to the rides department.

The final rides department schedule, ever has been posted for Saturday, September 28th.  Please note that the shift time is 10:30- 2pm. Please come in if you are not scheduled, but available to work any day that rides are open the rest of the season  We could use some extra help any day we are open.

Please remember, if you cannot make it in for your scheduled shift, you must call into the rides office. Calling in will result in 3 points. A no call, no show results in 6 points. Accumulating 12 points will result in termination. To call in, please call 513-232-8230, then enter extension 4485. If there is no answer, please leave us a voicemail.

If you have any questions, please contact us at coneyrides@gmail.com

Have a fun day!

Coney Island Rides Manager